The front end of the website which is mainly framed by HTML, JavaScript, and CSS is that part which the users can directly interact with. If you’re looking ahead to hire a web development company for the front end development services, first, you can know about the skills of the frontend developers.
Here, we’re about to highlight some of the top skills of the front end developers
The Hyper Text Markup language abbreviated as HTML stands to be the backbone of the website. It shoulders the whole structure as well as the content of the website. The current HTML5 version is rocking the web world but still there are many well-known websites that are doing really good on the browsers with the previous versions of HTML. Make sure that front end developer is a talented HTML coder who knows the value of creating a flawless HTML base for your site.
Along with building blocks of your website with HTML, the coder has to be skilled in CSS abbreviated as Cascading Style Sheets applied mainly for styling the web pages. On the foundation laid by HTML, CSS is applied for creating the color, fonts, layouts and the overall styling of the pages. So, the front end developer should be skilled with both HTML and CSS.
As called as a “bonafide programming language’ by experts, the JavaScript is essential for developing the function of the website after the HTML has built the blocks and CSS have styled the pages. By using JS, web developers can implement the animations, scrolling abilities, audio, video, gaming etc on the websites.
JQuery is JavaScript’s library of extensions and plugins that are used by the front end developers to making it faster while using the JS on the websites.
Responsive web designing
RWD or the liquid web designing has now become a phenomenal website designing and development soon after the introduction of mobile-optimization. It allows users to open and use the site on any device such as a PC, laptop, smartphone, and tablet. They can see the content properly.
So, by knowing these skills you can recognize the efficiency of the talented front end coders by knowing the technical skills they have and how they incorporate it for developing the websites. Updating the websites with the shifting trends is the best you can do for the survival of your online business and even the blog page you own.